International Biometric Congress 2018 (eng)

Reduta Banku Polskiego | 3 october 2018 yr.

International Biometric Congress 2018 (eng)

This year’s unique edition of the International Biometric Congress (IBC) marks a special anniversary. It will be the 10th time that key experts and financial institutions representatives meet to discuss the use and developments of biometry in banking. A history of successful editions, a comprehensive programme focusing on trends and innovations, and an array of international speakers, make the Congress one of the most important events of this kind in the CEE Region.  

Celebrating the 10th edition, we will use this occasion to focus on trends and developments. A special session of the congress will be dedicated to the future of biometry. Basing on the history and looking at current challenges and developments we will endeavour to discover what lies ahead and how to make the best use of biometry in the coming years, including the use of AI in biometry.

There will also be presentations covering the legal and functional aspects as well as case studies from some of the top players in the regions. We’ll look at finger vein, strong authentication and the use of passive biometrics in antifraud systems. The Congress will be traditionally closed with an expert debate.

The list of panellists features primarily board members, presidents, directors and deputy directors of top Polish banks and key financial institutions in the region, as well as representatives of innovative companies operating in the field of biometry.

With the expert presentations covering a wide and unique range of topics, the International Biometric Congress is the place to be for all interested in the professional use of biometry in modern financial institutions. 

Polska wersja


  • Robin Bortz, Biometrics Sales Specialist EMEA, Nuance
    Robin Bortz
    Biometrics Sales Specialist EMEA
  • Mauro Carducci, Dyrektor Sprzedaży, ThreatMark
    Mauro Carducci
    Dyrektor Sprzedaży
  • Adrian Dinculescu
    Partnerships & Alliances Manager
    Namirial SRL
  • Maciej Gawroński
    Managing Partner
    Gawroński & Partners
  • Włodzimierz Kiciński
    Włodzimierz Kiciński
    Związek Banków Polskich
  • Witold Kowalczyk, Prezes Zarządu, Bohr Technology Inc
    Witold Kowalczyk
    Prezes Zarządu
    Bohr Technology Inc.
  • Adam Marciniak
    Adam Marciniak
    Wiceprezes Zarządu
    PKO Bank Polski
  • Zbigniew Marcinkowski
    Sales Manager CEE
    Hitachi Europe Ltd.
  • Daria Pawęda, Ekspert Forum Technologii Bankowych ZBP
    Daria Pawęda

    Forum Technologii Bankowych ZBP
  • Krzysztof Pietraszkiewicz
    Związek Banków Polskich
  • Mariusz Sudoł
    Mariusz Sudoł
    Dyrektor Operacyjny CEE
    Hitachi Europe Executive Partner
  • Feliks Szyszkowiak
    Wice Prezes Zarządu
    Bank Zachodni WBK S.A.
  • Tadeusz Woszczyński
    Tadeusz Woszczyński
    Country Manager Poland Austria&CEE
    Hitachi Europe Ltd.

Participation in the conference is free for representatives of banks and the scientific community.


Organisational matters:
Marta Rakowska
tel. (22) 627 59 64

Contact for sponsors and company participants:

Website administrator:
Olga Kripiec
tel. 723 723 756

Centrum Prawa Bankowego i Informacji
Centrum Edukacyjno – Marketingowe
ul. Solec 101/5
00-382 Warszawa


